Cats Don't Belong in Cages
Our cat lounge is filled with cat friendly furniture, toys, nip and of course, cardboard boxes. We have teamed up with the Wilmington Humaine Society and Adopt an Angel to provide a safe and friendly living environment for our kitties. Thats where they all come from, too! For more information on The Humane Animal Society in Wilmington, NC - clicke HERE.
This page will be kept up to date on what kitties are available each month and who each one is! Stay tuned!!
Firstly, at The Scratching Post Cat Café, there are basic rules to prevent cats from being mistreated. Customers are asked not to wake a cat if it is sleeping, not to pick cats up, and not to take photographs using flash photography. This protects cats from unwanted attention. Everything is very much on their terms. The café is their environment and hey have to come to you. There is a room where the cats can get away from people if they want to, and there will be a cat sky run for them to look down on us from up high, should they wish to. The café will be manned 24 hours a day by staff so the cats will never be left on their own. Our cats have a healthy and balanced diet of both wet food, dry food and meat and fish such as chicken, tuna and mackerel. We work hard to recreate the natural hunting environment of the cats by hiding food in the cat runs and using cat tree food dispensers, where they have to paw the food out of the tree in order to eat it. They are also given lactose free cat milk as a treat.